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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Target or Walmart?

Q: Dear Kimmie,
 Please settle our debate. Target or Walmart?
-Name Withheld
A: Dear Conflicted Consumer,
I am the perfect person to settle this debate! I don't claim to be an expert in too many areas, but I kind of feel like Target and Walmart are my specialty.
I went to Target twice last week. I love their clean floors, their bright flourescent lighting and their popcorn/soda combo. And for some reason, the whole store reminds me of Christmas. I love Target so much that if I could do things over again, I just might have had my bridesmaids wear red polos and khakis at my wedding. Target is definitely my number one choice!
However, I wasn't always a Target girl. There was a time in my life when I was a true blue Walmart shopper. I bought everything there! I could overlook the long lines and the diapers in the parking lot because almost everything in the store was only 88 cents.
And I thank my lucky stars that I was shopping at Walmart the day my 4 year old threw up all over the cart and everything inside of it because they were so understanding, and they didn't even make me pay for the barfy groceries. (They also probably didn't get around to mopping up the vomit in the aisle for a good 30 minutes, but what do I care? I took my 3 kids and was outta there.) Now had I been at Target, I may have felt a little more awkward.
What I ended up learning about Walmart though, was that for myself, because everything was so cheap, I ended up buying tons more stuff I didn't need, and eventually 88 cents turned into 88 dollars once I got to the check out line. I also factored in opportunity cost and realized that the 20+ minutes I was spending in line with my 3 kids was not worth saving a few extra bucks, but the straw that broke the camel's back though was when I cut into rotten produce and opened bags of flour with bugs in it, all within a few weeks time. That's when I made the switch, and I have never regreted it. (I must say, I do miss the sweet, little, old Walmart greeters though.)
So, although I much prefer Target over Walmart, there will always be a part of me that longs to see that big yellow happy face with his save you money, roll back smile, and every couple months, I do find myself back at Walmart, wandering the aisles, like I'm catching up with an old friend.
Sincerely, Kimmie


  1. Such perfect advice and so true!

  2. I am kind of on the fence a little but prefer Target. I used to absolutely hate going to Walmart but they redid ours and now it is better. I can at least handle going in which is good because I now live within walking distance to Walmart. I do prefer Target though.
